Run NoBadWords Combiner
NoBadWords Combiner can integrate the gene function information together and minimize ‘bad words’ including Nr-NCBI, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, KEGG, and Pfam etc.
How it works?
Unlike the NCBI-NR or UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, although they provide valuable function description of the interested genes; however, many hypothetical proteins or ‘bad name’ proteins are also included in the respective database, which will mess up the interpretation of functional gene annotations. We developed this software can integrate the gene function information together and minimize ‘bad words’ including Nr-NCBI, UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot, KEGG, and Pfam etc.
Where to download
The distribution version of NoBadWords Combiner is also available.
Current version: v1 (5 August 2020) [download].
How to cite
X. Zhang, Yining. Hu, D. Smith (2021). Protocol for using NoBadWordsCombiner to merge and minimize ‘bad words’ from BLAST hits against multiple eukaryotic gene annotation databases etc. doi: upcoming
Xi Zhang, Marina Cvetkovska, Rachael Morgan-Kiss, Norman P. A. Hüner, David Roy Smith, (2021). Draft genome sequence of the Antarctic green alga Chlamydomonas sp. UWO241. iScience.